To be Free .. or not to be ?!?!
I was 18 maybe less, when I first thought of freedom, in the real sense. I remember having this aching desire to escape it all. Although what it was that bound me then, I can't quite remember but I clearly recall being trapped.
Over the years, I have realised that that ache has increasingly lessened.
And if I were to ask myself today if I am free, I would have to stop to think about it. It's just that I haven't thought about freedom or what it means to me in such a long long time. I have had moments where in I have felt confined. Societies, territories, policies, religions, fashions, traditions, cupboards left open, shoes that find their way right in the middle of the room and sometimes even words have found ways to impound me, time and again. But most of all, I have found myself entrapped by the demons residing in my own mind. They have badgered me and played me. They've pestered me to a point where I had become a prisoner of my own thoughts. When left alone, I could discern a handful of ghosts that seemed to make leave me suffocated. Eventually I realised that the only person setting limits and boundaries for myself, all my life, has been nobody else but me!
And this thought . .
Set me free !
Embracing love, embracing people, bearing souls out over a cuppa with friends, watching trees and flowers, playing with furry friends, sitting on the floor, dancing, endless music, purple bubbles, words, my own voice and the discovery that I always had one, reading and laughing, a lot, has been setting me free. Little by little . . More and more. .
So what does freedom mean to me?
Freedom is a word that is fabulously extravagant or nominally stingy. I mean even as I write this post, my thoughts are running back the messy house or how desperately I want to use the word "obscure". I have taken care of one and as soon as I finish, I am going to tackle the other one. Just so I can be free again . . . . .
This blog post is a part of #LetsDiscussFreedom Blogathon.
I would like to thank Cheni from for introducing me. Now please head over to Archana's post to read about her take on Freedom.
You are right, we are the one who sets boundaries for ourselves and we complain our freedom is no longer exit. Life was better earlier..but the truth is we keep on judging ourselves and others .